How SBLC work:
2. An advance-payment standby – supports an obligation to account for an advance payment made by the supplier to the buyer.
3. A bid-bond or tender-bond standby – backs an obligation of the buyer to execute a contract if the buyer is awarded a bid.
4. A counter standby – backs the issuance of another, separate standby letter of credit or other undertaking by the supplier of the counter standby.
5. A financial standby – supports an obligation to pay funds, including any instrument evidencing an obligation to repay borrowed money.
6. An insurance standby – supports an insurance obligation of the applicant.
7. A commercial standby – backs the commitment of a buyer to pay for goods or services in the event of non-payment by other methods.
8. A direct-pay standby – intended to be the primary method of payment. It may or may not be linked to a default in performance or payment.
A breakdown of SBLC types is provided below:
1. A performance standby – backs a commitment to perform other than to pay money/funds and includes an obligation to pay for loses occurring from a default of the buyer in the process of completing an underlying transaction.
2. An advance-payment standby – supports an obligation to account for an advance payment made by the supplier to the buyer.
3. A bid-bond or tender-bond standby – backs an obligation of the buyer to execute a contract if the buyer is awarded a bid.
4. A counter standby – backs the issuance of another, separate standby letter of credit or other undertaking by the supplier of the counter standby.
5. A financial standby – supports an obligation to pay funds, including any instrument evidencing an obligation to repay borrowed money.
6. An insurance standby – supports an insurance obligation of the applicant.
7. A commercial standby – backs the commitment of a buyer to pay for goods or services in the event of non-payment by other methods.
8. A direct-pay standby – intended to be the primary method of payment. It may or may not be linked to a default in performance or payment.
For our service,
Jason Gavin
Telephone: + 44 7452 390049
Twitter: @JasonGa58390383
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